WRGC 2021 Invitational
March 6 & 7, 2021
The Wascana Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is excited to host our annual rhythmic gymnastics invitational again this year. In our current pandemic environment, this year's competition will use a virtual format as per the Gym Sask's Virtual Guidelines. Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs across Western Canada will be participating in this competition.
Competition Information
Click on the following link for recording, submission and competition details :
WRGC 2021 Virtual competition instructions
Preliminary Registration: February 14, 2021
Final Registration: February 21, 2021
Videos uploaded: March 3, 2021
Volunteer Sign-Up
Although our format is modified for this year's competition, we will still need volunteers to make the event a success for our athletes. Please consider volunteering your time. This is a great opportunity for WRGC Families to receive their volunteer credit towards committment hours. Please contact Anastassia ( ) if you are interested in volunteering for the Invitational but did not receive the emailed sign-up link.