WRGC 2021 Invitational

March 6 & 7, 2021

The Wascana Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is excited to host our annual rhythmic gymnastics invitational again this year.  In our current pandemic environment, this year's competition will use a virtual format as per the Gym Sask's Virtual Guidelines.  Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs across Western Canada will be participating in this competition.


Competition Information

Bulletin #1


Click on the following link for recording, submission and competition details :

WRGC 2021 Virtual competition instructions

Virtual Competition images


Preliminary Registration: February 14, 2021
Final Registration: February 21, 2021
Videos uploaded: March 3, 2021 


Volunteer Sign-Up

Although our format is modified for this year's competition, we will still need volunteers to make the event a success for our athletes.  Please consider volunteering your time.  This is a great opportunity for WRGC Families to receive their volunteer credit towards committment hours.  Please contact Anastassia ( ) if you are interested in volunteering for the Invitational but did not receive the emailed sign-up link.